Welcome, Winter

This week we reopened the school to a full class and some familiar friendly faces. Welcome and welcome back! 

Upward Spiral buddies

Upward Spiral buddies

This first week of the program introduced the idea of grain graphics in wood, a central aspect of our work. We discussed selecting our material with intention, rotating the orientation of the growth rings in a piece when milling, always aiming for the grain to be in harmony with the curves and profiles that we shape in each piece. 

We have added chainsaw milling to this first week to expand upon these concepts, showing how a log can be sawn with the same consideration to grain orientation, yielding boards with the best possibilities for grain that is harmonious with our work. 

Robert and Will make the first cut

Robert and Will make the first cut

Sharpening between cuts

Sharpening between cuts

The students gave the Alaskan mill a go, sawing up an Arbutus log that Robert has had for a couple of years.

Spencer and Mike make a cut

Spencer and Mike make a cut

Thank you all for being here this winter, I am excited as ever to be back. 

Jake cuts Claro walnut

Jake cuts Claro walnut